Desiree Elyda
All imagery used courtesy of their respective copyright holders.

::Today’s #WCW | Desiree Elyda::

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The internets is filled with stuff, so much stuff it seems like a job just to keep up with it all. Here at Super-Id, we like to keep it simple – one thing, whether it’s a photo, video, song, or whatever, they we think you should fucks with. We call it


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Desiree Elyda | Boo Thang


Crush is the right word to describe how we feel about Desiree Elyda. She’s such a damn sweet girl. She is hot. She is talented (a model with an actual talent [art], go figure?). She follows back on social media. We have the same Tumblr theme (Super-Id’s looks better though…). She fucks with the Wu. She loves French Bulldogs (then again, who doesn’t?). She has an incredible pair of soup coolers. She writes funny things in 140 characters or less. Once upon a time, she agreed to shovel our driveway after a snowstorm. All of this makes us forgive the fact she’s Canadian.


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This following videos are for the perv in you.

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[intense_hr type=”solid” size=”medium” title=”Crush on Desiree Elexyda” title_background_color=”#ffffff” title_position=”left” icon_type=”instagram” icon_position=”left” icon_size=”1″ icon_color=”#00cbf7″ /]

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[intense_hr type=”solid” size=”short” title=”Soft stalk Desiree Elyda online.” title_background_color=”#ffffff” title_position=”left” /]

[intense_button color=”#3f729b” size=”large” link=”” target=”_blank” icon=”instagram” icon_position=”right”]Desiree Elyda Instagram[/intense_button]

[intense_button color=”#55acee” size=”large” link=”” target=”_blank” icon=”twitter” icon_position=”right”]Desiree Elyda Twitter[/intense_button]

[intense_button color=”#34526f” size=”large” link=”” target=”_blank” icon=”tumblr” icon_position=”right”]Desiree Elyda Tumblr[/intense_button]

[intense_button color=”#3b5998″ size=”large” link=”” target=”_blank” icon=”facebook” icon_position=”right”]Desiree Elyda Facebook[/intense_button]

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[intense_hr type=”solid” size=”medium” title=”Crush comments go down in the COMMENTS.” title_position=”left” /]