Chaos Theory was in full effect when went across the pond to London, England and lucked into linking up with Emilia Nardini and created magic. Read MOAR...
Both and The Super-Id can't get enough of Polynesian cover model, Tahiti Cora and after you see her in this black one piece, you won't too. Read MOAR...
When Stormi Maya gets on-set with, nothing but drama and tension and nipples and fuckery is to be expected. This gallery is the proof of it. Read MOAR...
Take a look at what happens when the crew are hanging out at a strip club late at nite and are open to trouble. Enter Lara De Siena. Read MOAR...
One day this past summer, Stefanie Knight came to visit the studio. This must-see gallery is the product of fun, ignorance, debauchery, and Fireball Whisky. Read MOAR...
The Photo Gods have decided that it was time for Jada Cheng to visit the studio, get naked and let the hotness commence with a camera present. Read MOAR...
Sir Ivan had at a party at Sir Ivan's castle in the Southhamptons that Roger F. Bond attended. This blog post is proof of the awesome fuckery that went on. Read MOAR...
Breaking Bad fan, Roger F. Bond tries out Heisenberg Blue Ice Vodka to see if it's as good as the TV show Breaking Bad and if its as addicted as meth. Read MOAR...
Roger F. Bond is Cupid and is shooting Instagram-shaped arrows at guys helping them to understand how to come up this Valentine's Day or end up heartless. Read MOAR...
Crack Cocaine Content with Blue Meth Drizzle and Malt Liquor Crème Fraîche
John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman created one of the most beautiful, romantic songs ever capable of melting the heart of any caveman. Listen for yourself. Read MOAR...
Until February hits, it's still New Year's time, which means it's still holiday time, which means this Christmas video is the best gift you'e ever seen. Read MOAR...
Are you a guy? Are you on Instagram? If so, there is a good chance you've done some creepy shit. Stop it. Read this > How Not To Be Creepy On Instagram! Read MOAR...